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jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Adele Faber Elaine Mazlish

Being a parent may be one of the most joyful experiences imaginable.

It can also be frustrating, maddening, exhausting, and occasionally overwhelming.

It was feelings like these that led the two of us (one, an artist and composer; the other, an educator) to join a parent guidance group led by the renowned child psychologist, Dr. Haim Ginott.

It was an amazing experience. Little by little we learned ways of communicating that made a profound difference in our relationships with our children. Others in the group reported similar dramatic turnabouts in their family relationships.

This was a story that had to be told. It was that conviction that led us to write our first book, Liberated Parents, Liberated Children. The response was overwhelming. We heard from parents, teachers, and mental health professionals all over the world. They loved the book, but they wanted more.

· They wanted a step-by-step guide that would help them learn the new skills.
· They wanted to know how to cope with the fighting between the kids.
· They wanted to know how the approach could be used in the classroom.
· They wanted ways to teach their children communication skills.
· They wanted to know how to get through to their teenagers.
From all their requests and our subsequent years of conducting workshops for both parents and professionals came seven more books, audio tapes, CD’s, and videos.

People also wanted an opportunity to learn this new approach as we had -- along with other parents -- sharing experiences, discussing and practicing skills together, role-playing with each other. And so we designed a series of group workshop programs that people could run on their own.

As you look over our materials, you’ll see what we’ve created for those who prefer to study on their own as well as those who enjoy the experience of learning together,

We invite you to explore our website and decide which road is best for you.

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